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Con-Zoon-Tight = Helps relieve sinus and allergy pressure.  Wellness synergy blends.  Choose your elixir for your life style and body needs.  For a more relaxed attitude and an overall sense of well being. Experience what the world of plants, flowers and herbs have to offer.  Working hand in hand with your senses helping to heal, restore, replenish and De-stress your body.
Benefits: Helps to heal, restore, replenish and De-stress your body.
Application: Uses: 20 to 40 drops in to bath.  10-15 drops in to foot soak to help alleviate swelling and sore feet.  Add 1/2 bottle into 8 or 16 oz body cream, add full 1/2 oz into 32 oz body cream for added hydration and tension release.  Add 1/2 bottle into 8 or 16 oz pure oil such as hazel nut, jojoba or almond oil for a body or massage oil.  Same mixture into water, use a spray bottle to freshen air and linens.  1-2 drops on a warm light bulb fills your room with aroma therapy.  Soak 1-2 cotton balls, place in steam room or shower for a spa treatment.