"The skin whisperer," otherwise known as LeAine Dehmer, is a unique Hollywood hybrid: a facialist/healer with a waiting list of three to five months. "You suffered a trauma at age 7," Dehmer whispers soothingly to a client who's reclined in a semi-trance. "Your father was barely present. You won't move forward until you let this go." Then she slathers a rose and tea-leaf holistic facial-synergy blend on the client's cheeks and massages it in. "And I can also help you with your oily T-zone."
Dehmer's intuitive customized facials (lasting up to four hours) are not only anti-aging, but they also release emotional trauma and psychological pain through the pores with touch and talk. Everyone from Oprah's staff to Frances Fisher, Penelope Ann Miller and manager Joannie Burstein are loyalists who have been "face read" — and these are just the people she can mention. "You've got to let your soul out of bondage — even if it's through the pores" is Dehmer's mantra. Her facials range from $250 to $450.
~ Merle Ginsberg & Carson Griffith, The Hollywood Reporter